That said, I have precious little time for my precious little blog – which really bums me out. As it’s Monday, I’d normally be offering lengthy descriptions of my favorite foods or my favorite restaurants or my most successful recipes, but, alas, it’s not meant to be. I’m just too harried to eat today – but not, incidentally, too harried to drink. Man, do I need a drink. But, no, I must refrain... for the moment that gulp of merlot, or swig of Blue Moon beer, or sip of something harder touches my lips, I’d be a gone pecan. I’d be in bed (or on the floor), napping, instead of striving to shorten the aforementioned list.
Still, this line of thought got me thinking (which is dangerous in my condition)... If I could have any drink in the world right now, what would it be? A mojito? A margarita? A piña colada? Though all of the above are wonderful choices – which I’ve either prepared at home or ordered in any number of restaurants and bars, from Los Angeles to the Florida Keys – what I’m really hankering for is a nice glass of caramel-colored Bailey’s Irish Cream over ice. Mmm... that’s the ticket to paradise.

Forgive me for offending the non-drinkers out there, but I love Bailey’s so much that every time I see that color – that creamy light brown – along the exterior of a house, on a pair of pants, or in a muddy puddle of water – my eyes get a little misty, and I begin to recall that sweet, smooth taste. Much as others have come to spot sickly Pepto-Bismol Pink or radioactive Mountain Dew Green from a mile away, I am now a hue-seeking missile for soothing Bailey’s Beige, and at the risk of sounding like a lush (which I’m not – honest), I’d give almost anything for a sip right now. Good thing there’s none in the refrigerator – the temptation would be too humongous indeed.
So, what about y’all? What beverage – alcoholic or otherwise – gets your heart racing?
P.S. I just realized that while I intended to write a short ode to Bailey’s for today’s post, it ended up being longer than intended. That’ll teach me for letting my taste buds wander...